Conferencia: Joseph-Berkovitz

Psychological and probabilistic aspects of reasoning in natural science, Dr. Joseph-Berkovitz,31 de octubre el aula Alejandro Rossi.


El Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas 
Posgrado en Filosofía de la Ciencia


University of Toronto- Department of philosophy

"Psychological and probabilistic aspects of reasoning in natural sciences"


31 de octubre, 2024, 11 horas.
Aula Alejandro Rossi - IIFs


Prof. Berkovitz has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of economics, philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of probability and political philosophy. He has supervised MSc theses in the philosophy of economics and political philosophy and PhD theses in the philosophy of economics, philosophy of physics and philosophy of science. 


Research Interests
Economics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Probability. He is working on a few papers on scientific reasoning where he challenges the mainstream views of scientific reasoning and knowledge and proposes a new epistemic framework for thinking about scientific reasoning and knowledge and theories and models, in general, and probabilistic reasoning and risks in decision making, in particular.


Dra. Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz
Dra. Atocha Aliseda
Dra. Fernanda Samaniego

Informes: filosofí

Actualizado Sep 25 de 2024
    Mar 13 de 2025
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